Clayton Boyer Clock Designs


Masochist's Corner

The wonderful mechanisms on this page are listed here under "Masochist's Corner" because they are not only much more difficult to build, but, unlike all the other plans I offer, these DO NOT come with a set of building instructions or a materials list. To order a set of plans from this page, one must first send me a picture of a completed wooden clockworks of MY design, and then, in some way demonstrate a demented lack of frustration in their life. Only the most masochistic, frustration-craving individuals should apply. If you qualify, email me. You will have my email address from your previous order.

Selling plans for the clocks on this page goes against my basic philosophy of trying to spread joy in the world through creative woodworking. However, I have come to the conclusion that I should not stand in the way of a woodworker's desire for additional frustration in his/her life when they obviously want it so badly.

Remember- I absolutely require the woodworker to have successfully completed at least one of MY clock designs before ordering a clock from this page. NO exceptions! Also no whining.

You have been warned.


Leeds 7-Day, 3-Wheel Clock


Epicyclic Clock


Medieval Calendar







