Clayton Boyer Clock Designs


Robot Laboratory

Robot Laboratory is a set of plans that will show you how to create three uniquely different and simple-to-build motorized walking robots. These gear driven bots are powered by an easily available gearmotor, a 9v battery and a switch.

Each of the three individual robots has an extraordinary and distinctly unique set of leg linkages that almost gives them the appearance of being living creatures. So much so that my cat enjoys attacking bots that go wandering off by themselves. (My cat is why I never worry about being attacked by aliens.)


Below is the Creepy Bot which is driven by a set of gears from my Weird Gears plan:

Below is my CB Walking Bot.

Here is a bot that uses Theo Jansen's leg design and is powered, once again, by some Weird Gears.

And as you will see in the builder's pictures below, by adding personal touches to your bot with things like chariot drivers, or eyes (especially large bug eyes) each bot will take on a unique personality of its own. Below are other artist's interpretation of the Creepy Bot. At left is Robert Hains bug-eyed beauty, center is Forrest's (to which he later added blinking LED's inside the eye chamber - what a hoot!), and at right is a chariot driven by Ken Duffy (miniaturized).

Adrian added large bug eyes on springs, and his dog just loves the company:

See other builders' interpretations of my Robot Laboratory designs here (as they become available): Robot Laboratory Flickr Pool

A big thank you to bot builders who have posted these great YouTube videos of their bots in action:  Robot Lab YouTube Playlist

Robot Laboratory plans are available in THREE different formats. Please choose only one option:

Instant Auto-Download

The auto-download contains BOTH pdf and dxf plans for Robot Lab:

Hand builders will use the pdf file.

Electronic builders will use the dxf files.

You do not need a Paypal account to purchase this plan--just use the "pay with credit or debit" option when you get the payment page. The price of the auto-download plan is $32.00:



The price of the paper plan delivered by mail is $37.00 plus shipping. If you would like to purchase Robot Laboratory paper plans by mail, click here:


Plans Delivered via eMail

This email option contains BOTH pdf and dxf plans for Robot Lab:

Hand builders will use the pdf file.

Electronic builders will use the dxf files.

If you would like to purchase electronic plans in pdf and dxf format and receive them via email, you must have a valid email address that can receive a 5 MB attachment. Add to your safe senders list so we don't end up in your spam filter.

Plans purchased with the dxf and pdf option will be delivered to your inbox as an email attachment after payment is received, usually within 24 hours. The price of the plan delivered via email is $32.00:

Pay with PayPal, PayPal Credit or any major credit card